> scoop search busybox
Results from local buckets...
Name Version Source Binaries
---- ------- ------ --------
busybox-lean 5398-g89ae34445 main
busybox 5398-g89ae34445 main
mingit-busybox 2.46.0 main
> scoop info busybox
Name : busybox
Description : BusyBox is a single binary that contains many common Unix tools
Version : 5398-g89ae34445
Bucket : main
Website : https://frippery.org/busybox
License : GPL-2.0-only
Updated at : 2024/06/26 1:29:06
Updated by : github-actions[bot]
Binaries : busybox.exe | ar.exe | arch.exe | ash.exe | awk.exe | base64.exe | basename.exe | bash.exe | bunzip2.exe |
bzcat.exe | bzip2.exe | cal.exe | cat.exe | chmod.exe | cksum.exe | clear.exe | cmp.exe | comm.exe | cp.e
xe | cpio.exe | cut.exe | date.exe | dc.exe | dd.exe | df.exe | diff.exe | dirname.exe | dos2unix.exe | dp
kg.exe | dpkg-deb.exe | du.exe | echo.exe | ed.exe | egrep.exe | env.exe | expand.exe | expr.exe | factor.
exe | false.exe | fgrep.exe | find.exe | fold.exe | fsync.exe | ftpget.exe | ftpput.exe | getopt.exe | gre
p.exe | groups.exe | gunzip.exe | gzip.exe | hd.exe | head.exe | hexdump.exe | httpd.exe | iconv.exe | id.
exe | ipcalc.exe | kill.exe | killall.exe | less.exe | link.exe | ln.exe | logname.exe | ls.exe | lzcat.ex
e | lzma.exe | lzop.exe | lzopcat.exe | man.exe | md5sum.exe | mkdir.exe | mktemp.exe | mv.exe | nc.exe |
nl.exe | od.exe | paste.exe | patch.exe | pgrep.exe | pidof.exe | pipe_progress.exe | pkill.exe | printenv
.exe | printf.exe | ps.exe | pwd.exe | readlink.exe | realpath.exe | reset.exe | rev.exe | rm.exe | rmdir.
exe | rpm.exe | rpm2cpio.exe | sed.exe | seq.exe | sh.exe | sha1sum.exe | sha256sum.exe | sha3sum.exe | sh
a512sum.exe | shred.exe | shuf.exe | sleep.exe | sort.exe | split.exe | ssl_client.exe | stat.exe | string
s.exe | su.exe | sum.exe | tac.exe | tail.exe | tar.exe | tee.exe | test.exe | time.exe | timeout.exe | to
uch.exe | tr.exe | true.exe | truncate.exe | ts.exe | ttysize.exe | uname.exe | uncompress.exe | unexpand.
exe | uniq.exe | unix2dos.exe | unlink.exe | unlzma.exe | unlzop.exe | unxz.exe | unzip.exe | usleep.exe |
uudecode.exe | uuencode.exe | vi.exe | watch.exe | wc.exe | wget.exe | which.exe | whoami.exe | whois.exe
| xargs.exe | xxd.exe | xz.exe | xzcat.exe | yes.exe | zcat.exe
> scoop install busybox
Installing 'busybox' (5398-g89ae34445) [64bit] from 'main' bucket
busybox-w64-FRP-5398-g89ae34445.exe (649.5 KB) [===============================================================] 100%
Checking hash of busybox-w64-FRP-5398-g89ae34445.exe ... ok.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\busybox\current => ~\scoop\apps\busybox\5398-g89ae34445
Creating shim for 'busybox'.
Creating shim for 'ar'.
Creating shim for 'arch'.
Creating shim for 'ash'.
Creating shim for 'awk'.
Creating shim for 'base64'.
Creating shim for 'basename'.
Creating shim for 'bash'.
WARN Overwriting shim ('bash.exe' -> 'busybox.exe') installed from git
Creating shim for 'bunzip2'.
Creating shim for 'bzcat'.
Creating shim for 'bzip2'.
Creating shim for 'cal'.
Creating shim for 'cat'.
Creating shim for 'chmod'.
Creating shim for 'cksum'.
Creating shim for 'clear'.
Creating shim for 'cmp'.
Creating shim for 'comm'.
Creating shim for 'cp'.
Creating shim for 'cpio'.
Creating shim for 'cut'.
Creating shim for 'date'.
Creating shim for 'dc'.
Creating shim for 'dd'.
Creating shim for 'df'.
Creating shim for 'diff'.
Creating shim for 'dirname'.
Creating shim for 'dos2unix'.
Creating shim for 'dpkg'.
Creating shim for 'dpkg-deb'.
Creating shim for 'du'.
Creating shim for 'echo'.
Creating shim for 'ed'.
Creating shim for 'egrep'.
Creating shim for 'env'.
Creating shim for 'expand'.
Creating shim for 'expr'.
Creating shim for 'factor'.
Creating shim for 'false'.
Creating shim for 'fgrep'.
Creating shim for 'find'.
Creating shim for 'fold'.
Creating shim for 'fsync'.
Creating shim for 'ftpget'.
Creating shim for 'ftpput'.
Creating shim for 'getopt'.
Creating shim for 'grep'.
Creating shim for 'groups'.
Creating shim for 'gunzip'.
Creating shim for 'gzip'.
Creating shim for 'hd'.
Creating shim for 'head'.
Creating shim for 'hexdump'.
Creating shim for 'httpd'.
WARN Overwriting shim ('httpd.exe' -> 'busybox.exe') installed from apache
Creating shim for 'iconv'.
Creating shim for 'id'.
Creating shim for 'ipcalc'.
Creating shim for 'kill'.
Creating shim for 'killall'.
Creating shim for 'less'.
Creating shim for 'link'.
Creating shim for 'ln'.
Creating shim for 'logname'.
Creating shim for 'ls'.
Creating shim for 'lzcat'.
Creating shim for 'lzma'.
Creating shim for 'lzop'.
Creating shim for 'lzopcat'.
Creating shim for 'man'.
Creating shim for 'md5sum'.
Creating shim for 'mkdir'.
Creating shim for 'mktemp'.
Creating shim for 'mv'.
Creating shim for 'nc'.
Creating shim for 'nl'.
Creating shim for 'od'.
Creating shim for 'paste'.
Creating shim for 'patch'.
Creating shim for 'pgrep'.
Creating shim for 'pidof'.
Creating shim for 'pipe_progress'.
Creating shim for 'pkill'.
Creating shim for 'printenv'.
Creating shim for 'printf'.
Creating shim for 'ps'.
Creating shim for 'pwd'.
Creating shim for 'readlink'.
Creating shim for 'realpath'.
Creating shim for 'reset'.
Creating shim for 'rev'.
Creating shim for 'rm'.
Creating shim for 'rmdir'.
Creating shim for 'rpm'.
Creating shim for 'rpm2cpio'.
Creating shim for 'sed'.
Creating shim for 'seq'.
Creating shim for 'sh'.
WARN Overwriting shim ('sh.exe' -> 'busybox.exe') installed from git
Creating shim for 'sha1sum'.
Creating shim for 'sha256sum'.
Creating shim for 'sha3sum'.
Creating shim for 'sha512sum'.
Creating shim for 'shred'.
Creating shim for 'shuf'.
Creating shim for 'sleep'.
Creating shim for 'sort'.
Creating shim for 'split'.
Creating shim for 'ssl_client'.
Creating shim for 'stat'.
Creating shim for 'strings'.
Creating shim for 'su'.
Creating shim for 'sum'.
Creating shim for 'tac'.
Creating shim for 'tail'.
Creating shim for 'tar'.
Creating shim for 'tee'.
Creating shim for 'test'.
Creating shim for 'time'.
Creating shim for 'timeout'.
Creating shim for 'touch'.
Creating shim for 'tr'.
Creating shim for 'true'.
Creating shim for 'truncate'.
Creating shim for 'ts'.
Creating shim for 'ttysize'.
Creating shim for 'uname'.
Creating shim for 'uncompress'.
Creating shim for 'unexpand'.
Creating shim for 'uniq'.
Creating shim for 'unix2dos'.
Creating shim for 'unlink'.
Creating shim for 'unlzma'.
Creating shim for 'unlzop'.
Creating shim for 'unxz'.
Creating shim for 'unzip'.
Creating shim for 'usleep'.
Creating shim for 'uudecode'.
Creating shim for 'uuencode'.
Creating shim for 'vi'.
WARN Overwriting shim ('vi.exe' -> 'busybox.exe') installed from vim
Creating shim for 'watch'.
Creating shim for 'wc'.
Creating shim for 'wget'.
Creating shim for 'which'.
Creating shim for 'whoami'.
Creating shim for 'whois'.
Creating shim for 'xargs'.
Creating shim for 'xxd'.
WARN Overwriting shim ('xxd.exe' -> 'busybox.exe') installed from vim
Creating shim for 'xz'.
Creating shim for 'xzcat'.
Creating shim for 'yes'.
Creating shim for 'zcat'.
Running post_install script...INFO creating ~/.profile
'busybox' (5398-g89ae34445) was installed successfully!
> httpd -v
> scoop reset apache
Resetting apache (2.4.62).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\apache\current => ~\scoop\apps\apache\2.4.62
Creating shim for 'ab'.
Creating shim for 'abs'.
Creating shim for 'htcacheclean'.
Creating shim for 'htdbm'.
Creating shim for 'htdigest'.
Creating shim for 'htpasswd'.
Creating shim for 'httpd'.
WARN Overwriting shim ('httpd.exe' -> 'httpd.exe') installed from busybox
Creating shim for 'httxt2dbm'.
Creating shim for 'logresolve'.
Creating shim for 'rotatelogs'.
Persisting htdocs
Persisting conf
Persisting logs
> httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.62 (Win64)
Apache Lounge VS17 Server built: Jul 16 2024 12:23:10
他のgit, vimも実行する。
> scoop search winmerge
Results from local buckets...
Name Version Source Binaries
---- ------- ------ --------
winmerge extras
winmerge2011 2011.211.170 extras
PS C:\Users\tmacoto\scoop\shims> scoop info winmerge
Name : winmerge
Description : Differencing and merging tool, that compares both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual te
xt format that is easy to understand and handle.
Version :
Bucket : extras
Website : https://winmerge.org
License : GPL-2.0-only
Updated at : 2024/07/31 9:35:50
Updated by : github-actions[bot]
Binaries : WinMergeU.exe
Shortcuts : WinMerge
PS C:\Users\tmacoto\scoop\shims> scoop install winmerge
Updating Scoop...
Updating Buckets...
* 581274d016b7 texmaker: Update to version 6.0.0 extras 76 minutes ago
* ba6b47fdc7d4 mailpit: Update to version 1.20.2 main 78 minutes ago
* 08c1f05403f5 kubeshark: Update to version 52.3.76 main 78 minutes ago
Scoop was updated successfully!
Installing 'winmerge' ( [64bit] from 'extras' bucket
winmerge- (12.3 MB) [=====================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of winmerge- ... ok.
Extracting winmerge- ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\winmerge\current => ~\scoop\apps\winmerge\
Creating shim for 'WinMergeU'.
Making C:\Users\tmacoto\scoop\shims\winmergeu.exe a GUI binary.
Creating shortcut for WinMerge (WinMergeU.exe)
'winmerge' ( was installed successfully!
> scoop install vim
> vim .vimrc
:source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim